*This resource is best implemented after Lesson one - The Careers in Hotel & Lodging Investigation Guide*
For lesson two, you will be given a 3-4 day lesson that creatively teaches your students about the Hotel Guest Cycle while summatively assessing what they've learned about the employees working in the hotel. Students are tasked with planning and mapping out their ultimate dream vacation. They will create their vacation alongside you as you create yours on the whiteboard with them. (This helps them tremendously)
While illustrating their “vacation story”, students will be sure to title in bold each stage of the hotel guest cycle and purposefully make contact with employees of the hotel. (This ties in with the career information they just learned about in lesson one)
With this resource you will receive:
- Detailed day-to-day lesson plans
- What, How, Why lesson plan outlines
- Detailed Slides to be used in class that provide instructions for students
- Grading rubric for teamwork & collaboration
- Examples and images to see how this lesson was implemented in my classroom
For a detailed explanation of how this lesson is implemented, please go visit my Instagram account @fcsandcreativeness and watch my story for this resource.
Check out the preview for a closer look at what is included in this Google Drive Folder
❤️ You will LOVE using this lesson because of how seriously low prep it is. Your students will also appreciate the clear, step-by-step instructions and will enjoy planning out their ultimate group vacation alongside of you.
Using this resource is SUPER easy!
✅ Review Google Slide Deck To Ensure Timers Are Appropriate
✅ Gather Dry Erase Markers, Poster Paper, & Coloring Utensils
✅ Teach The Hotel Guest Cycle Using The Slides
✅ Have Fun Planning Your Vacation Alongside Your Students!
You may also like the following for your Hospitality Course:
⭐️Food Truck Wars - 2 Week Project, Campus-Wide Event
⭐️Hotel Interior Design Vision Board
⭐️Hotel Amenities - Planning Guide
By Grace,
Baylie Collins
Copyright © FCS and Creativeness, Baylie Collins
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
The Hotel Guest Cycle (Lesson 2)
Download provides access to a Google Drive folder containing all items listed in the product info section below.