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If you've been around FCS for a while, you know that Food Truck Entrepreneurship is the Holy Grail of projects! Why? Well, our kiddos get the opportunity to put all of their incredible ideas into action and create a business all on their own - plus, food is involved so of course it's bound to be a hit! While there are many resources out there for helping your students plan their food truck business, I wanted to take it one step further by providing teachers with step-by-step instructions for hosting this school-wide event on their campuses.


When downloading this product you will receive access to a Google Drive Folder containing the following:


- 2 Week Lesson Plan Outlines containing the What, How, and Why of the day.

- Detailed day-by-day lesson plans containing all instructions for you and your students

- Visually appealing, detailed slides to help your students with pacing and tracking progress

- Instructions on how to implement a successful Food Truck Wars Event

- Digital Vision Board to help students put their ideas on paper (or screen)

- Step-by-step Planning Guide covering all necessary details for starting a business

- Menu Pricing Planning Sheet to help students determine appropriate pricing

- Instructions on creating the menu using and sample menus

- Facebook and Instagram Template for social media marketing

- Food Truck Template Printable

- Standards-Based Grading Rubric containing 3 standards for this project

- Sample email and google form to invite your school to your Food Truck Event

- Printable Monopoly Money for Food Truck "Voting"



❤️ You will LOVE using this resource because of how organized it is for teachers to utilize seamlessly, and how easy it is for your students to follow and beexcited about their food truck creations and competition!


All text is editable and easy to make adjustments that fit the needs of your FCS or Business classroom.


Using this resource is SUPER easy!

✅Review Lesson Plans

✅Print Planning Sheets & Templates

✅Edit your slides for each day

✅Watch your students' creativity unfold as they create their businesses

✅Host the very first Food Truck Wars on your campus!


Check out the preview for a closer look at what is included in this Google Drive Folder


For more instructions on how to implement this project and set up the event, check out my Food Truck Wars story on Instagram @fcsandcreativeness


If you want to see live footage from this event, click the link below and start the film at 3:00

Food Truck Wars



As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


By Grace,


Baylie Collins


Copyright © FCS and Creativeness, Baylie Collins

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

Food Truck Wars - 2 Week Project, Campus-Wide Event

  • Download provides access to a Google Drive folder containing all items listed in the product info section below.

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