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To Delivery... and Beyond!


Engage your child development or teen parenting students with this 20+ Google Slides activity covering birth prep, labor and delivery decisions, and key infant parental choices. Through interactive thought-provoking activities, students will explore real-life questions and scenarios on diapering, sleeping, clothing, and feeding preferences. Perfect for a sub-day plan or independent workday!


Here's What To Expect:


17 Interactive Activities That Include:


Build a Birth Playlist

Medicated or Natural?

Bedshare or Bassinet?

Partner Watching or Waiting?

Puree’s or Solids?

In-Hospital Birth or Out of Hospital?

Breastfeeding, Pumping, or Formula?

Hand Me Downs or All New Clothes?

Cloth or Disposable Diapers?

Baby Names

Which Baby Carrier?

Stock Up Your Nursing Cart

5 Self-Checking Horror Film or Birth Scene?


*Statistics and additional information is provided in the speaker notes to help your students make informed decisions*


ZERO Prep required, great for a sub-day plan or filling the last 20 minutes of class.


Using this resource is SUPER easy!

✅Receive This Forced Copy of Google Slides

✅Edit, Remove or Add as needed

✅Make a Copy For Each Student In Google Classroom

✅Have Fun!


⭐️Pregnancy Lesson: A Baby's Beginning

⭐️ Pregnancy & Fetal Development: Lesson & Assignments

⭐️ Prenatal Nutrition: Lesson & Project

⭐️ Pregnancy Loteria

⭐️ Newborn Care Stations


I always strive to create meaningful, engaging resources for the FCS classroom. If you find this product helpful and your students enjoy it, please leave a review. Your feedback is crucial and invaluable to me.


By Grace,


Baylie Collins

FCS and Creativeness


To Delivery... and Beyond!

  • Download provides a ticket which gives you access to a forced copy Google Drive folder containing all items listed in the product info section below.

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