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Hello fellow FCS Educator and thanks for stopping by my store!


If you teach Principles of Human Services in Texas, you know that there is a whole unit dedicated to Personal Care Careers and Services! I strategically teach this unit at the end of the school year so that it coincides with teacher appreciation week at my school!


Because the majority of the unit focuses on cosmetology, I bring in professionals from our community to train my students on how to perform a basic manicure and massage. I also partner with our local cosmetology school and have the director teach the students how to make homemade bath bombs and sugar scrubs. We apply everything we've learned in the form of a teacher appreciation spa day to show our teachers just how much we value them!


With this product you are going to receive 5 weeks worth of resources that include:


Week 1:

Introduction to our PBL which answers the question, "How do we increase staff attendance at our annual teacher appreciation spa day? Students will spend the week creating flyers, posters, invitations, video broadcast, etc to grab the attention of the staff on your campus.



Time to get trained by the professionals! The first 3 days are spent being trained, the last two days of the week are spent practicing our skills and making a take-home gift for the teachers who attend the spa day.


Week 3:

Time to implement our first ever teacher spa day! I give you plenty of tips and tricks to make the day a success! The remainder of the week is spent learning from professionals in all the other facets of the personal care industry such as a hairstylist, esthetician, caregiver, personal trainer, and funeral care worker.


If you want to see live footage from this event, copy and paste the link below into your browser and start the film at 2:30.


Teacher Appreciation Spa Day


If you want to expand on this unit, I highly recommend checking out Parts two and three located on the product page. In part two, students will take the information learned from the guest speakers you brought in to create their very own business in the personal care industry. Want to end the year on a fun note? Implement part 3 where students apply previously learned interior design skills in PHS and create their own 3D model business!



Teacher Appreciation Spa Day (Part One)

  • Download provides access to a Google Drive folder containing all items listed in the product info section below.

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