Hey there fellow FCS Educator!
Career and Technical Education is ALL about encouraging and guiding our students towards post-secondary readiness. Our hope is that by the time our students cross the stage, they have at least a few ideas on what career pathways interests them most. I utilized both the Social Clock and Post-Secondary Options assignments with my Human Growth class when we transitioned from adolescence to early adulthood, however, this resource can be used in any classroom no matter the content area!
The social clock assignment challenges students to break the status quo of our society and culture. Too often our students are told what they HAVE to do and at what age they HAVE to do it. "Graduate with a bachelor's by 22, marry by 25 and be sure to have kids by age 30, work the 9-5 till you retire at age 60." These are all common milestones on the universal social clock that our society has created. Your students will be encouraged to map out THEIR future on THEIR terms.
I AM... Career, Trade, Military & Entrepreneurship Ready is a simple assignment that challenges your students to think about the options that are available to them. You'll find that this will be challenging for those students who have their heart set on one of the 4 post-secondary options. Encourage your students not to settle on just one path (particularly college). With the rising total of student loans and overall debt, have your kiddos to think about their interests and what careers they might enjoy that don't require a 4 year degree.
As always, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! Your feedback is always greatly appreciated.
By Grace,
Bayie Collins
College & Career Readiness - My Life, Post-Secondary
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