Hello fellow FCS educator!
For those of you who teach Principles of Human Services you know just how fun this class is! I love that we get to expose our students to a variety of careers that strive to serve and educate those in our community. With this resource, students will be able to investigate career options that fall within the family & community services spectrum.
Careers Include:
- Caseworker or Case Manager
- Certified Health Coach
- Community Health Worker
- Development Director
- Development Officer
- Disaster Relief Worker
- Emergency Relief Worker
- Executive Director
- Firefighter
- Program Director
- School Social Worker
- Social & Human Services Assistant
- Social Worker
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Wellness Coach
For my Texas teachers, this covers TEK 6 (I): identify employment and entrepreneurial opportunities and preparation requirements in the areas of personal interest. If you have access to textbooks, I highly recommend using Goodheart-Willcox's Principles of Human Services by Sharleen L. Kato.
If you don't have a textbook for this class or would rather go digital, the following website works perfectly with this investigation:
O Net Online
For an extension activity, you can group your students and have them create infographics based on the investigation information.
❤️ You will LOVE using this lesson because of how seamless and easy it is to implement - it's ready to teach! Your students will also appreciate the opportunity to discover and learn more about career options available to them within the family & community services sector.
Using this resource is SUPER easy!
✅Select Warm-Up & Closure & Ensure Timers Are Appropriate For Your Class Period
✅Print or Insert Investigation Guide into Google Classroom
✅Teach the Lesson using the Slide Deck
✅Decide If You Want To Use The Extension Infographic Activity
Check out the preview for a closer look at what is included in this Google Drive Folder
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
By Grace,
Baylie Collins
Copyright © FCS and Creativeness, Baylie Collins
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
Family & Community Services Careers: An Investigation Guide
Download provides access to a Google Drive folder containing all items listed in the product info section below.