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THIS IS PART #2 if you are integrating this resource into your Personal Care unit in Human Services.


Part One is located in the product page listed as: Personal Care Services Business Plan



After you students have used the business plan to curate the foundation for their personal care business, they are ready to move onto designing the interior! Students will create a vision board, determine the color scheme, define their style, and select features such as the flooring, walls, fixtures, furniture, and more! This planning guide is created on Google Slides so that your students can easily drag and drop their images into the document. Once you download, Google Drive will make your own special copy so you can make edits as you see fit.




Your feedback on this product is greatly appreciated. My students really enjoyed this project and it is my hope that this project allows your students to let their creativity shine!


By Grace,


Baylie Collins


Interior Design Planning Guide (Part Three)

  • Download provides access to a Google Drive folder containing all items listed in the product info section below.

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